This is latest proprietary trend trade signals for investors who wants to capture large profit for the stocks that cleints who would like to invest but has no time to monitor. We will inform you on the trade signals with target profits and stop loss.
We will advise you when to initiate a trade on our proprietary trade signals on large trend following:-
Our trades signals wil be label as Trend Trades: "Entry at
Per trade we will target large profit target exceeding 20% per trade. If we compound that every month at 20%, the conclusion on your portfolio performance will be massive.
The examples of the trades are SEAL, SKPRES, SCGM and many more. We just wanto you to understand that risk management for trend trades still applies for every trade. We have controlled risk with massive upside.
This trend trades will be tought in our upcoming workshop cum stock trading seminar training on the 9th of August in Penang.
For customers who wants this live trade signals via whatspp, we are opened for subscriptions on "Trend Trade Signals" for LIMITED TO 60 PEOPLE AT RM150. The subscriptions is only for Trend Trade Signals and is not meant for contra trades.
Please whatsapp your payment details to 011-36084028.
If you wish to subscribe please Bank into my Maybank account:-
AC No: 107014001746 or paypal subscriptions.