Showing posts with label Malaysia CPO Intraday trading Signals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysia CPO Intraday trading Signals. Show all posts

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Dear readers,

This is the last free powertrades signals for non-subscribers. Moving forward we will only published end of day of the day signals based on the Telegram Messenger that we send to our clients.

Promo susbcriptions is at RM700. Normal Price is RM900.

Below is the Intraday CPO powertrades signals for 5th Sept 2014

Long at 2011 target 2048. stop loss 1992
Short 2048 Target  2011 Stop Loss 2067

Breakout long at 2067 Target 2100. Stop 2048
Breakout Short 1992 Target 1959 Stop 2011


Saturday, August 16, 2014

How we trade Malaysia Crude Palm Oil with just 1 contract on a margin of MYR4500 and have Massive Profit!

Dear readers,

As you have read earlier, we will be having just a 1 day program to share with you and to train you on one of our profitable strategies that you can employ for trend trades on trading the Malaysia CPO (Crude Palm Oil).

We would like to share this strategy to our readers and would be participant to be able to trade actively using our strategies. We will provide you the necessary coaching after the training event.

Of course the program is not free as we charge a reasonable fees for teaching you something that you can learn and use to generate consistent income on a part time basis or even full time basis.

Our intention is to create more traders or someone working full time to earn more money to make ends meet. Well, to be honest we cant be overly dependent on our day job, as job security today is non existent. This is the facts of life that we need to know and to take charge of our destiny.

If you still think there is a job security, then this program is not for you. Stick to your job.

We only want to train people who are interested to make changes in their life.

Here is the link again;

Here is the example of our recent trend trades for our present contract. This is just one contract trade for your info. The position is in the gross profit of MYR3550 for 1 short positions.

Malaysia CPO Trading

If you need further info on this 1 day program feel free to contact us at +6011- 36084028 (via whatsapp).

To your financial freedom,

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to make 13% per week CPO INTRADAY HOT PROMO

Dear readers,

I am raising money for charity and giving away part of the proceed to my charity cause.
For now till 1st of June, i am giving away my 1 week subscriptions of live trade signals via whatsapp to subscribers for Only and yes Only RM200 to only 50 people.

After that no more. Monthly subscriptions for June onwards is RM800 or RM250 weekly if you choose our weekly program.

RM200  for live signals for total 5 trades. 1 trades profit potential is RM300. That is $1500 profit  for only $200..It is insane!! if you ask me.

Our bank details is on the page. Just drop us a whatsapp message via 0164866892 once payment is done to lock in to the first 50. After that we are closed. YES CLOSED.

Grab it! We are not generous all the time you know.
If you're skeptical and i know you are..check out our live May results.

To your success.
Bryan- Co founder

We have a challenge for you and to see whether you have the guts to trade using our signals.  NO FRILLS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. if you trade with us for a week and there is no single profitable trades we  refund you the weekly subscriptions of RM250.  We don't make anything from you.

How to Trade Malaysia CPO Effectively- Coaching for the Right Success for Malaysia Intraday CPO Trading

Dear readers,

A lot of our subscribers started trading CPO with very little knowledge.

Hence what i am doing right now is coach that real time during the trading hours thru whatsapp on how to managed their trades with our signals.

To extend this program to a limited small amount of group, i am opening this program up to only 20  people.  Why 20 and not more...because i only want to deal with serious people who wants to make serious money by trading CPO and wanted to become a full trader eventually using my signals.

Our Per trade winning rate is RM275 per trade means you make a gross RM275 or sometimes RM300 per trade per day. Do a simple matths yourself. How much can you potentially make per month? (Based on 20 trading days).

My coaching program consist of advice during trading hours via whatsapp and once the trade is profitable we called it a day. Sometimes as short as before 12.30pm. As long as 5.55pm (5 minutes before market close).

You don't have to stay in front of computers if you are a non trader. You just called your broker to place the orders based on our signal and thats it.

I am opening up this program for only 20 people with a subscriptions rate of RM600 per person one off for 1st month only. It will cover RM400 for signals and RM200 for coaching fees.
Honestly if you ask me RM600 is expensive, i doubt it, as per trade your make about $200 (average) takes 3 trades to "break-even".

We are opening this program up till 31st of May. So if you are reading this till so far. Here is our May results so far:-

Monday, May 19, 2014

Limited Time CPO Intraday Trading Signal Promo for May 2014

Dear readers,

We are launching today for limited time period until end of May to only 20 subscribers at a flat rate subscriptions of RM400 per month. From June onwards the subscriptions rate will be on a weekly basis of RM250 per week.(options to renew on a week on week basis) You can choose to subscribe under one lump sump now and renew at the same rate month over month until further notice or subscribe to our new Weekly rates.

This is the updated trading results based on our signals if you would have follow:-
We are offering a free trial for only 2 trading days if you are keen. No obligations. You get free money from our Signals!

Subscription is RM400 for 1 month for the remaining 20 spots. Promo Ends 31st May 2014.
With effect 1 june 2014, the weekly rates is RM250 per week.

It is an insane pricing for such a profitable trade signals where average winning rate is RM275 per trade and per day!!

Please whatsapp us at 0164866892 for further info on trial.

Below is our current trading results for May

Month May

Date Long/Short Entry Exit Pts Profit

2 Long 2575 2586 11 275


5 Short 2601 2589 12 300
6 Long 2575 2562 -13 -325
7 Long 2575 2564 11 275
8 Short 2575 2564 11 275
9 Short 2562 2552 10 250

Long 2575 2586 11 275


12 Long 2588 2575 -13 -325

Short 2575 2569 6 150

14 Long 2601 2612 11 275
15 Long 2613 2625 12 300
16 Short 2588 2576 12 300


19 Short 2562 2538 24 600
20 Short 2537 2526 11 275











Total Contracts Traded

Brokerage Charges Intraday Per Contract

Total Brokerage Charges



Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Malaysia CPO Intraday Trade Signals for 9th May 2014 . How we won MYR525 per day.

Dear Readers,

Today was a wonderful day where we have two profitable trades in a row.
Total won today was MYR525.00.

Our Signals was short at 2562 with profit target at 2551, but we took profit at 2552.
Long Signal was at 2575 where we entered with full profit hit at 2586.

As you can see, trading CPO is not all that difficult especially with our profitable intraday trading signals for trading Malaysia CPO.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

How to trade Malaysia 3rd month CPO Futures on Intraday Effectively and Make Consistent Profit.

Dear readers/subscribers,

Many of you had asked me on how to trade based on our proprietary trade signals services.
Once you received the signals, you will need to do the following:-

1. Key in two stop limit order. One is a buy stop limit and one a sell stop limit based on the signal given,

For an example. Buy at 2552 means you put in the BUY STOP   at 2552.
                          Sell at 2441 meanse you key in another SELL STOP   at 2441.

You will have two pending orders in your platform now.

2. Wait for the trigger to happen, either one.

3. Once a trigger happen, you will then put a Buy limit order or a sell limit order at the 1st Take Profit Level.
 or you can scalp(take Profit) with a minimum 6 points or better.

4. If you want to increase your profit level or afraid of losses. You can move your stop loss to a Breakeven point. For an example lets assume your buy order at 2552 was trigger and it move higher above 2552 and moves into your direction, you can then move your stop loss to 2553 for a breakeven assuming your trade charges are $25 ringgit per round turn(Buy and SELL). This method is called Trailing STOP. POWERFUL  in trailing your profit.


p/s If you are still not sure. Just drop me a message via the contact form.

Malaysia CPO Intraday Trade Signals for 8th May 2014

Dear Readers,

Today is another fruitful day with CPO Intraday Trading resulted a profit of 11points today. That is RM275 per day. Short Signal Trigger at 2575 with take profit level at 2564. It nearly hit our second profit level at 2551...if Greedy traders you are then, your profit will be more.

Here are the signals provided and snapshots of the trade on the charts.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Malaysia CPO Intraday Trade Signals for 7th May 2014

Dear Readers,

This was the 7th of May 2014 trade Signals for 3rd month CPO contract trading on July month.

Long Signal 2575 was triggered and we scalp 10 points at 2585 from the trade. That is a gross profit of RM250 in the pocket. Here are the trade details and chart details.

If you wish to subscribe to our signal services please drop me your contact number via whatsapp at 0164866892 or use the contact forms at the site. Trial is only good for 5 free trades.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Malaysia CPO Intraday Trade Signal for 6th May 2014

Dear readers,

This was today CPO intraday trade signals. Long Signals was triggered and todays trade resulted a loss of 13pts as we were stopped out from the trades.

However scalp traders who  managed to scalp 4 points out of the signals has an extra RM100 for today.

This was the message that we had whatsapp to our subscriber:-

If you wish to receive free CPO trade signals for trading on intraday CPO 3rd month contract, please drop me a message via whatsapp at 0164866892wih the message "Subscribe Trial CPO. Trial is only for 5 trades. You can also submit your request via the forms on the page itself.




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CPO Trade Signal Subscription